The Benefits of Using motorcycle bike for adults

02 Apr.,2024


Riding a motorbike for just 30–minutes has the same health benefits as going for a jog or completing a round of golf. As a low impact, calorie-burning exercise, motorcycling can even help to promote weight loss.

Two–Wheeled Workout

From the moment you lift your motorcycle off the side stand, you're doing a low–impact exercise session. Your bike may support your weight but paddle around while maneuvering in or out of a space and it's leg day at the two–wheeled gym.

Move forward and you're working the bicep femoris (rear leg bicep), gastrocnemius (calf muscles) and gluteus maximus (bum muscles).

Push yourself backward, and your entire quadriceps (four large muscles in your thigh) come into play. These leg exercises continue every time you come to a halt at a junction or traffic light and when you lean into a bend and put pressure on the opposite footpeg.

The moment your feet rest on the pegs, the workout continues up to the torso. Whether you've got a one pack or a full set, your abdominal muscles are responsible for keeping you upright along with the erector spinae in the lower back.

Reach for the bars, and it's the turn of the latissimus dorsi (V–shaped side muscles), deltoids (shoulders) and triceps (rear arm) to step up. Add to this, brake, clutch and throttle operation, and all 20 of your forearm muscles are pumping away.

Winner by a Neck

Wearing a full–face helmet for long periods, battling headwinds and twisting your head side to side, will build your anterior and posterior neck muscles.

By now, you should be getting a complete picture of the major muscle groups a rider uses every time he or she slings a leg over the saddle.

It's a fact, riding motorcycle tones the muscles and improves core strength. The overall positive health impact of biking doesn't end there, however, as we still haven't covered that huge muscle between the ears.

Mind Over Matter

Regardless of your circumstances, there will be times in life when stress takes a hold, like hot tarmac to a new tyre. Stress is the leading cause of depression and according to the NHS, around 11 million adults in the UK take anti–depressants.

While your GP is unlikely to suggest riding a motorcycle as an alternative to prescription drugs any time soon, riding is clinically proven to reduce stress. As bikers, we've known about the stress–busting benefits of biking for years, but how exactly does this work?

Firstly, pick up a helmet, put on gloves, turn the ignition key, and your body will kick–start your cognitive faculties. The psychological changes in the right side of the frontal lobe allow for complex thought, planning, voluntary movement and speech.

All of which are essential for spotting a potential hazard and taking action to avoid an accident.

This process will allow the rider to compartmentalise everyday problems and enjoy the subsequent ride. Extensive research by Japanese neuroscientist, Ryuta Kawashima, at the University of Tokyo and Yamaha, concludes that riding a motorcycle could prevent the onset of dementia.

Also, under normal circumstances, the human body reacts to stress by pumping adrenaline into its system. Known as the fight or flight hormone, alongside it’s physical effects it may help to combat stress.

In a study funded by Harley–Davidson at the Department of Neuroscience, University of California, a 30–minute motorcycle ride increased adrenaline levels by almost 30 percent and the heart rate by 11 percent. These percentage increases result in endorphins entering the bloodstream. It is these that trigger a feeling of positivity similar to that experienced when exercising.

It's an open and shut case. Motorcycling is not only good but an excellent form of exercise for the mind, body, and soul.

Posted By

Clint Lawrence, founder of Motorcycle Shippers. Helping give riders more freedom to enjoy the bikes they love. [email protected]


Chances are you’ve heard how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle. How you are just risking your life being on your bike and you must have a death wish. For the most part, motorcycle riding is safe. It requires you to be extra attentive and aware of your surroundings. You have to think more, but you are still able to relax and enjoy the ride.

Whether you’re going to the grocery store two blocks away or driving through open mountains in the fall, any rider will tell you, there’s nothing like the rumble of the bike beneath you and the feeling of being “one” or “whole” with your bike.

It is a lifestyle and a passion, and it also has numerous health benefits you may not have known you’ve been gaining. You can soak in these benefits regardless if you prefer to street ride or off-road ride. The benefits come from both types of riding.

Mental Outlook
When people think of health, they often see health in strict terms of the physical body and tend to overlook mental health. Motorcycle riding is beneficial for physical as well as mental and emotional health. There is an array of benefits and they are not limited to these listed. Riding off-road or on streets is a great way to enjoy physical exercise and clear your head for a while. But the big thing is, it helps your brain.

It improves your mood. Plain and simple. Riding makes you happy and boosts endorphins.

Riding increases energy levels and your mental outlook. This does wonders with regards to helping you increase your happiness and mental health, which in turn, increases your life span. Who doesn’t want to enjoy living a little longer so you can keep riding?

Core Strength and Stability
Just riding and enjoying a scenic view or riding to the grocery store down the street can improve core strength. Think about it. You have to work out your core just to keep yourself upright on a bike. Factor in some wind, and you are definitely working yourself out a lot more.

Maintaining the correct posture while riding also helps to keep your body in shape and can improve muscle tone because it’s a low-impact exercise.

Neck Strength
Riding can also improve your neck strength. For some, this may not seem like a big deal, but for others with back problems or neck problems, it’s almost like a therapy to the neck and back. Make sure your bike is fitted and adjusted to fit you correctly. Craning or straining your neck will do the opposite and you don’t want to do any damage to your body.

Stronger Knees and Thighs
It can also help strengthen your knees and thighs. Individuals with knee or thigh issues will find riding a motorcycle is a kind of physical therapy. It requires you use your knees and thighs, but without straining them too much. Over time, you’ll build muscle while eliminating any pains.

Calorie Burning
Have you ever thought you’re getting your daily exercise just from your motorcycle seat? Riding takes effort, especially compared to driving in a car. Just being a passenger on a motorcycle you can burn 50 calories, but as a passenger in a car?

It increases your insulin sensitivity too. This helps your metabolism, which will help you burn calories and store less fat.

Riding is fun. It’s an experience. You can enjoy these health benefits without even trying. You can’t complain about that. Now go out and ride!

Motorcycle shipping services are available to help transport your bike to far-away events across the US, and riding your bike there has positive health benefits.

The Benefits of Using motorcycle bike for adults

The health Benefits related to motorcycle riding, it's more than...

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