How to Buy a Rooftop Tent

30 Sep.,2024


How to Buy a Rooftop Tent

Let's face it, buying a rooftop tent isn't the same thing as buying a carton of milk or a new pair of shoes. It's not only a bigger financial investment, but an investment in your quality of life that requires due consideration.

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For instance, you should consider budget, lifestyle, and climate &#; among many other factors &#; before making a purchase decision.

In this piece, I&#;ll lay out the steps you should take and factors you should consider before you take the proverbial plunge, plunk down thousands of your hard-earned dollars, and buy a rooftop tent of your own.

Vehicle and mounting options

The first thing you should consider before buying a rooftop tent, above all else, is your vehicle. After all, this is where your rooftop tent will spend 100% of its time. If the tent doesn&#;t fit your vehicle, in terms of dimensions or weight, you will be sorely disappointed and faced with some hard decisions.

Let&#;s head those mistakes off at the pass, and detail the parameters and considerations you should go through before picking your perfect tent.

Overall size

Before deciding on a tent, measure your roof first.

Size is the first thing to consider when whittling down your choices of roof top tents. Let&#;s say you have a vehicle with a short roof, like a MINI Countryman, but you&#;re keen on the Sparrow Adventure. The Countryman has a usable roof space that is roughly 46 inches long. However, the Sparrow Adventure is 85 inches long, which makes it an imperfect partner for the Countryman. Instead, you&#;d be wise to consider the 60-inch-long Condor, which would only overhang your roof slightly on the front and rear.

This same sort of consideration goes for any size of vehicle, not just small ones. A large Jeep Gladiator, too, is nicely suited to a Condor. That&#;s because the Gladiator&#;s truck bed is a perfect 60 inches long. All you&#;d need to mount it over the bed is a simple pair of crossbars. If you wanted to mount a Falcon to the Gladiator, however, you&#;d need a bed rack that sits above the height of the cab, enabling the Falcon to jutt over the cab slightly.

Mounting options

This brings us to my second point, mounting options. Like in the last example, the size of the rooftop tent can affect the mounting solution you pick. Broadly speaking, most vehicles only need a pair of crossbars to mount a rooftop tent to. But I&#;ll discuss all the mounting options here.


Not all crossbars are made equally. Most every modern vehicle&#;s roof structure is sturdy enough to handle a rooftop tent. Their factory crossbars might not be, though.

Just because a set of crossbars is rated to hold several hundred pounds doesn&#;t mean they&#;re shaped to safely do so. Some crossbars are curved for stylistic and aerodynamic reasons. This makes them imperfect mounting points for a large, flat-bottomed rooftop tent. Makes sense, right?

What&#;s more, some stock roof rack crossbars are fixed in a certain position on the roof and cannot be adjusted forward or backward. Rooftop tents require a minimum of 30 inches, front to rear, between crossbars to be mounted safely. If your factory crossbars are 24 inches apart, they won&#;t be suitable for mounting a rooftop tent. Ditto if they&#;re exceedingly curved.

Roof Shape

Another issue we&#;ve seen with customers' vehicles that is related to crossbar placement &#; the curve of the roof. You might not notice it looking at the vehicle, but most modern vehicles have curved roofs, not flat. Even if your stock crossbars can be positioned more than 30 inches apart front to rear, you may find that, depending on the position of the crossbars along the curved roof, your tent doesn&#;t sit parallel to the ground. Rather, it may be canted upward toward the front of the vehicle.

Rather than selecting a shorter tent (the shorter Condor will be less affected by a curved roof than the longer Falcon), you can solve this problem by spacing the crossbars further apart, bringing down the angle of the roof compared to the tent.

If this is the case with your vehicle, consider a pair of aftermarket crossbars, like those from Rhino Rack, Thule, or Yakima, among others, that can be adjusted to suit your tent and vehicle roofline.

Platform racks

We&#;ve touched on this before in other posts, but it&#;s worth reiterating: You don&#;t need a platform rack for your rooftop tent.

Some folks, specifically overlanders, outfit their vehicles with platform racks to which they mount a rooftop tent. As Roofnest founder Tim Nickles has put it, &#;That&#;s mounting a platform to a platform.&#; Essentially, it&#;s overkill.

Your rooftop tent already has a corrugated aluminum floor that&#;s sturdy enough to support 600 pounds or more of weight atop a couple crossbars. You don&#;t need to put it on another $1,400 aluminum platform beneath it. So, save yourself a lot of extra money and hassle and stick with crossbars.

Some might argue that a platform rack does more than hold a tent; it offers a spot to mount other accessories, like traction boards, shovels, and axes. This is true. However, Roofnest tents like the Falcon and Falcon Pro have accessory channels along their outside perimeters to which you can bolt accessories like auxiliary lights, shovels, and axes, etc. These tents are also available with crossbars to which you can mount gear atop them as well.

So, if you really want to bring extra off-road gear, skip the platform rack and get a Falcon, Falcon XL, or Falcon Pro.

Weight capacities

Owner&#;s manuals of many vehicles list the minimum weight capacity rating of the roof structure or stock crossbars. For example, your manual may say your vehicle&#;s maximum roof rack load capacity is 150 pounds. However, that is a dynamic (while driving) load figure for each crossbar. That means each factory crossbar can hold 150 pounds at 75 miles per hour, for example.

The static (parked) load rating is often seven to ten times higher than the dynamic load rating. That means it can easily hold 1,050 pounds &#; more than enough to support a 170-pound tent, two people, and some gear.

If you&#;re still not convinced your stock crossbars are right for the job, spend a couple hundred bucks extra for some heavy-duty aftermarket crossbars. That way you can rest &#; and drive &#; easy.

Roofnest created a handy guide for understanding roof racks, crossbars, and static and dynamic loads. You can find it here.

Family and friends

Speaking of weight capacities, the next thing you&#;ll want to consider is how many members of your family you&#;ll want to have in your tent while camping. This is less for considering roof-mounting options than it is the size of the tent you&#;ll want to pick.

Roofnest offers tents that can comfortably sleep anywhere from two to four adults. From the Sparrow Eye to the Condor XL, there are various sizes to suit your sleeping needs.

Let&#;s say you&#;re honing in on the Sparrow for the ability to store bedding inside the tent when it&#;s closed &#; a super-helpful feature. However, you may be considering adopting a new dog or you might grow your family in the next few years, adding a baby or two.

Rooftop tents are an investment in the future and should be considered as such. Before you pick a tent based upon your current needs, think seriously about what your life may look like in the next five to ten years &#; a realistic lifetime of a rooftop tent &#; and make your purchase decision with that lifestyle in mind.

Camping frequency and length of stay

Along with how many people you want to comfortably accommodate in your rooftop tent, it&#;s smart to think about camping frequency. Are you the kind of person who only camps four times a year? Or are you a more avid camper, getting out two times a month? Perhaps you&#;re somewhere in between. When you camp, do you stay for a single night or do you set up camp for longer periods of time?

These are some things to consider before buying a rooftop tent. That&#;s because the features of the Roofnest line of tents varies greatly from one to the next. Each model addresses the needs of different camping styles.

Take for example the Sparrow Adventure versus the Falcon, two tents that share many of the same features, in terms of durability and interior space, but achieve these goals in distinct ways. These ways will serve different campers in distinct ways.

Take for example the Sparrow Adventure versus the Falcon, two tents that share many of the same features in terms of durability and interior space, but their differences provide an important distinction for campers to consider. 

The Sparrow Adventure is a pop-up clamshell-style rooftop tent that has built-in crossbars on its roof that can hold 100 pounds when it&#;s closed and 40 pounds when it&#;s open. That&#;s enough to hold a standard kayak when open or a pair of hefty mountain bikes when closed. Plus, the Sparrow Adventure is roomy enough inside its top and bottom shells to enable campers to leave their bedding inside the tent when it&#;s closed.

These features make the Sparrow Adventure a great option for active campers who hit the road at a moment&#;s notice and remain active at camp once they get there. However, it&#;s a bulkier tent. When it&#;s closed, the Sparrow Adventure is 12 inches tall.

In contrast, the Falcon is a low-profile roof top tent, just 6.5 inches tall when it&#;s closed. That makes it more streamline. However, you cannot store your bedding inside the Falcon. You&#;ll have to store bedding in your vehicle and lay it out every time you open the tent. Then you&#;ll need to pack bedding away when you&#;re ready to close the tent back down.

If you camp less frequently or if you stay at a single campsite for more than one night at a time, having to lay out your bedding for a four-night stay isn&#;t a significant inconvenience. If this you, the Falcon is a great choice for you.

This is all to say that visual aesthetics shouldn&#;t be your only consideration when comparing Roofnest rooftop tents. You should also consider how you use it and the frequency.

Regional climate

One of the benefits of rooftop tents is that it expands the seasons during which camping remains comfortable. You can easily camp in a rooftop tent year round. But some rooftop tents are easier or more comfortable to camp in during the colder months than others.

Let&#;s keep using Sparrow Adventure as an example. Roofnest offers an optional insulation system for Sparrow, Sparrow XL, Sparrow Adventure, and Sparrow Adventure XL.

This system is a synthetic polyester-based insulation with a polyester-based covering that is mildew and stain-resistant. Without adding an auxiliary heating element, this insulation makes camping in the winter much more comfortable.

I point this out to do more than beat our chest about the availability of an insulation option. It&#;s to highlight that not all rooftop tents have such an insulation option. That&#;s not to say not all Roofnest rooftop tents are comfortable year round &#; quite the contrary. But if you like to camp throughout the year and desire an auxiliary insulation system, it should factor into your consideration. 


Like with any significant investment, your budget will surely be a guiding factor in making your final decision. Just because the all-new Falcon Pro is appealing, doesn&#;t mean you can afford the $3,995 price tag. This is where financing a roof top tent can be a great option to explore. While budget can surely be a limiting factor, our financing options help you get exactly what you want without the wait.

Lifestyle and gear

What do you like to do when camping or otherwise? What are your other hobbies? I ask this because if your free time includes skiing, biking, kayaking, or another outdoor activity requiring a large piece of equipment, this should influence your rooftop tent choice.

For active folks who don&#;t want to dedicate their vehicle&#;s roof simply to rooftop tent-carrying duty, Roofnest offers Sparrow Adventure, Sparrow Adventure XL, and Falcon Pro that all come standard with crossbars that enable owners to attach gear to the top of the tent. Falcon and Falcon XL can also be optioned with crossbars that mount to their top shells.

Again, a rooftop tent is a long-term investment. Imagine what your life may be like in five to ten years. Might you pick up a canoe in the next three-quarters of a decade? If so, you&#;ll want to consider a rooftop tent model that can accommodate crossbars rather than one that cannot.

Accessibility (i.e. garage space)

Lastly, we come to accessibility. Specifically, what sort of spaces your daily commute requires you to drive to, in, or through. I am talking mostly about garages. This is a subject I can speak to with authority. That&#;s because my absolutely huge Jeep Gladiator prevents me from parking in modestly sized parking garages.

I don&#;t want to dissuade you from considering a rooftop tent with this section. Rather, I want you to think critically about accessibility. To be fair, this consideration isn&#;t unique to rooftop tents. You&#;d be wise to consider this before purchasing any roof-mounted bike rack or roof box for your vehicle. I&#;ve personally watched a couple guys drive their $5,000 bike mounted atop their car into the ceiling of a garage. You don&#;t want to be like those guys.

Think about it. Does your SUV just have enough space to fit into the garage at work? Then the taller Condor or Sparrow tents might not be a good fit for you. You&#;d be better served picking a low profile roof top tent like the ultra-slim Falcon.

Beyond your daily commute, think about other parking options you encounter in your life. I, for one, can&#;t fit my Jeep in the structure at my doctor&#;s office. So, I have to park in a surface lot and walk several hundred yards extra to get to their office. This isn&#;t a big deal nor would it have stopped me from lifting my Jeep or bolting a Condor to it. But it&#;s something you should spend time thinking about.


A final consideration that will inevitably be made is which brand to choose from. Obviously this is not where you will receive an unbiased opinion, so do your homework, but also consider this: out of the several options to choose from, which tent has the features you want, and which brand is most specialized in their category? Roofnest specializes in roof top tents and accessories exclusively. Our company was founded by an Alaskan turned longtime Colorado native who has travelled the States and overseas extensively in pursuit of outdoor adventure. We live it, love it, and know it.

Carefully considering these things before purchasing a tent will help make your final decision the right one. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Roofnest&#;s knowledgeable and friendly customer service and sales teams.

Soft-shell Rooftop Tent :: Buyers Guide

Soft-shell rooftop tents have a long history, dating back almost as far as the invention of vehicles to which they could be attached. The concept of a canvas roof tent may have been inspired by the covered wagons that played a crucial role in trade and travel for centuries. There&#;s something undeniably charming about a canvas tent, reminiscent of the warmth and glow of a campfire. It evokes memories of youth and ancestors, and there&#;s much to be said for not having to sleep on the ground, whatever your reason may be.

Personally, I have spent consecutive days, weeks, months, and even years living in a Howling Moon rooftop tent with my family (you can read more about it here) and have formed my opinions based on that experience. Similar to hard-shell tents, soft-shell rooftop tents come with their own significant pros and cons, which we&#;ll explore shortly.

Modern soft-shell tents are typically lighter and more compact when folded down compared to hard-shell tents. This characteristic makes them easier to transport and adds less weight to your vehicle. Soft-shell rooftop tents are often a more budget-friendly option compared to their hard-shell counterparts, with some models starting at just $640. While they may be slower to set up than hard-shell tents, pitching a soft-shell rooftop tent is still relatively straightforward, although the ease can vary based on factors like tent size, design, height, and the height of your vehicle. Having a helping hand can also expedite the process.

One notable advantage of soft-shell tents is their lower profile when opened, especially compared to wedge-shaped, hard-shell tents. This lower profile can be advantageous in terms of wind resistance and overall vehicle height. Those who have experienced a windy night in a hard-shell wedge tent waiting to be squished understand that faith in gas struts only goes so far.

One of the most significant advantages of soft-shell tents is their ability to leave more roof rack space available for additional gear, such as kayaks, bikes, or other bulky items. This can be particularly valuable if you have a lot of equipment to transport. Additionally, soft-shell tents often offer a more spacious interior, providing ample room for sleeping and accommodating multiple people comfortably, making them an excellent choice for families or larger groups.

However, soft-shell tents also have their disadvantages. Moisture, rain, and snow can pose challenges, as the tent needs to be as dry as possible when closing it. Anyone who has struggled with zipping up a wet tent cover can attest to the difficulties involved (don&#;t forget to lubricate those zippers regularly).

In conclusion, choosing between a soft-shell and a hard-shell rooftop tent depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. Soft-shell rooftop tents are an attractive option for those who prioritize space, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. Here is a list of popular soft-shell rooftop tents currently available on the market, favored by RVers, overlanders, and campers:


C6 Rev Tent

The lightest and one of the most affordable roof tents featured here, the Rev rooftop tent is a versatile four-season, two-person, expedition-grade tent designed for overland travel. It boasts a lightweight construction, weighing a mere 25 pounds plus another 60 pounds for the platform and ladder. We have to ask how robust this tent actually is; only through prolonged use in severe conditions can the durability of the lightweight construction be truly evaluated. Its modular design facilitates easy one-person setup and storage, allowing you to quickly detach it from your vehicle&#;s roof and set up camp anywhere at your destination. It can be used in a pickup truck bed or any flat surface measuring at least 48 x 84 inches, providing comfortable camping options beyond vehicle rooftops.

The Rev tent is designed for 4-season use, featuring a complete top-to-bottom fly for comprehensive protection. Its four floor-to-ceiling openings with screens offer unobstructed 360-degree views. Watch how to set up the Rev rack tent.

$1,388 |


Dometic TRT 140 Air Inflatable Rooftop Tent

The Dometic TRT 140 Air offers a convenient and comfortable camping solution for two people. Its single-point inflation system, powered by a 12-volt electric pump (included), ensures a quick setup, inflating at nine psi in just a few minutes and deflating in seconds. Weighing 103 pounds, this rooftop tent is designed to fit compact cars, hatchbacks, and trucks, making it versatile for various vehicles. It&#;s constructed with durable materials, including 300 denier ripstop polyester and Weathershield TC fabric, providing weather-resistant performance. Our greatest fear is that a puncture could render the tent unusable, but high-quality materials and a degree of caution should alleviate those concerns. The breathable poly-cotton material and mesh windows reduce condensation and ensure comfort in all climates. For privacy, the tent features zippered blinds, and for convenience, it includes internal and external storage pockets, hanging hooks, and an integrated foam mattress for added comfort. Additionally, you can expand its functionality with accessory awnings (sold separately). With a tri-fold design, it&#;s easy to pack and transport, making it an excellent choice for adventurers on the go. Watch how to set up the Dometic TRT 140 Air tent.

$2,500 |

Open Road Overland TentBox Lite XL

Available in a variety of colors, the TentBox Lite XL comfortably accommodates up to four individuals on a super-king, dual-layer mattress. Despite its generous size, it maintains a manageable weight of 137 pounds and a compact fold-up design, ensuring minimal impact on your vehicle. The TentBox Lite XL shares construction elements with its smaller counterparts, featuring a steel-reinforced honeycomb-aluminum base panel, an aluminum framework, and interlocking steel hinges. The fabric is a durable 280 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) ripstop polyester canvas for the body, boasting a 3,000-millimeter hydrostatic head rating and a 210 denier polyester rainfly with a 5,000-millimeter hydrostatic head rating. Both fabrics offer C6 DWR (water-repellency), 2,400-millimeter/24-hour breathability, and UV50+ protection, ensuring sun resistance and reliable rainproofing. YKK outdoor zippers, including waterproof zippers on the windows, add convenience and durability to the TentBox Lite XL. The vibrant Sunset Orange canvas option should serve as an effective advertisement for extroverts. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $2,495 |


Roam Vagabond Rooftop Tent

The Roam Vagabond rooftop tent is a sturdy and practical shelter designed to comfortably sleep three to four people on a high-density foam mattress. This all-weather tent is easily mountable on various roof racks and can be set up within minutes. The tent ensures durability and weather resistance with robust poly-cotton ripstop fabric with a durable diamond-weaved nylon rainfly. A secure yet lightweight telescoping aluminum ladder facilitates access to this portable abode. Two skylights and multiple windows allow occupants to unzip for unobstructed night sky and sunrise views. The tent employs a 280 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) PU-coated poly cotton ripstop fabric that is UV-, water-, and mold-resistant, ensuring reliability even in adverse weather conditions. The rainfly is constructed from 600 denier PU-coated diamond ripstop nylon and includes two clear vinyl sunroof windows. A 7.5-foot telescopic aluminum ladder is included; the mattress is 3 inches thick and includes an anti-condensation mat. The tent is protected by a black, heavy-duty, laminated, 720gsm PVC cover, and the frame shares the same robust cover material. At 190 pounds, this family-sized tent is one of the heavier tents featured here. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $2,599 |


Eezi-Awn Xklusiv Rooftop Tent

The classically styled Xklusiv rooftop tent shares the same foldable platform design and core features as the Equipt Outfitters flagship RTT model, the Series 3 rooftop tent. However, it stands out by offering an extended roofline and a ground-level room with a spacious 6-foot, 5-inch ceiling height for increased comfort (the Xklusiv tents come standard with an add-a-room that slides and hooks into place). The Xklusiv series caters to different group sizes, sleeping anywhere from two adults to a family of five. The is the smallest and most suitable for solo travelers or couples, requiring a minimum of two load bars for support. The is the largest tent in the lineup, accommodating a full-size family or a group of friends on the road. The 360 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) heavy-duty ripstop canvas is double-stitched and stretched over aluminum bows. The floorboards are constructed from 9-millimeter marine plywood and reinforced with Meranti beams. Watch how to set up the Eezi-Awn Xklusiv tent.

From $4,150 |


Feldon Shelter Crow&#;s Nest Rooftop Tent

The 112-pound Crow&#;s Nest is Feldon Shelter&#;s 2-person rooftop tent designed for quick and easy setup. It requires no poles, and a simple pull of the ladder unfolds the tent automatically. Inside, there&#;s a built-in queen mattress with space for your sleeping bag and pillows. The uniquely curved roof prevents water pooling and improves aerodynamics, making it sturdy in strong winds. The tent is built for durability with UV-resistant ripstop poly-cotton canvas, double stitching, strong YKK zippers, a reinforced aluminum structure, and marine-grade stainless steel hardware. It&#;s designed to withstand New Zealand&#;s harsh sun and offer long-lasting performance. Ample storage options include an external shoe/gadget pocket, overhead storage straps, and internal storage pockets. The tent features a retractable lightweight ladder, quick-release hand attachments, and ventilation for a comfortable camping experience. The rainfly seems loose fitting and may be susceptible to strong winds. Watch how to set up the Feldon Shelter Crow&#;s Nest tent.

From $2,199 |


Front Runner Rooftop Tent

Front Runner&#;s rooftop tent, specially designed for Front Runner roof racks, offers a lightweight and low-profile design for easy operation. It accommodates two people comfortably and can be conveniently stored off the vehicle when not in use. This rooftop tent is built to endure challenging conditions and is constructed using robust and water-repellent materials. The tent body is made from a 260 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) poly-cotton ripstop fabric, while the rainfly is crafted from waterproof and UV-resistant 400 denier polyester Oxford fabric. The base features a sturdy aluminum frame, sheeting, and a dense foam core, providing a stable and insulated foundation. Inside, you&#;ll find a high-density foam mattress with a washable cover for added comfort. The 93 pound tent includes a sliding aluminum ladder for easy access and features skylight vent windows, side window privacy panels, and hanging pockets to organize your belongings. It&#;s designed to withstand the elements and provide a comfortable camping experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $1,209 |


Ironman 4×4 Uber Lite Rooftop Tent

The compact Uber Lite rooftop tent, which weighs only 107 pounds, is specifically designed to fit comfortably on your vehicle&#;s roof without taking up too much space. It offers a straightforward and convenient setup process. Equipped with a sturdy ladder for easy access and providing ample room for two adults, the Uber Lite tent boasts LED light strips, internal storage pockets, and entry boot bags, catering to essential needs for maximum comfort during your outdoor adventures. The tent is designed for quick and straightforward setup and pack-down procedures, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your camping experience and less time on logistics. Constructed from durable 600 denier ripstop Oxford fabric, the Uber Lite tent is built to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $2,499 |


Body Armor Sky Ridge Pike 3-Person Tent

The 147-pound Sky Ridge Pike 3-person tent is designed with practicality in mind. Its construction features 280 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) ripstop reinforced polyester/cotton canvas walls and roof, polyurethane coated for effective waterproofing at 2,000 millimeters. The separate rain fly is crafted from 420 PVC polyester Oxford fabric (also polyurethane coated), offering a waterproof rating of 2,500 millimeters. The tent&#;s design promotes privacy, natural light control, and airflow management. It includes a covered entrance, a skylight, and three large-view windows equipped with mosquito netting.

Additionally, exterior awnings and zip-up closures enhance the tent&#;s adaptability to different conditions. Built with corrosion-resistant materials, such as aircraft-grade aluminum framing and marine-grade stainless steel hinges and hardware, the tent offers comfortable sleeping arrangements for up to four small individuals, thanks to its 2.4-inch-thick (60-millimeter) high-density foam mattress. The folding tent base is constructed from sturdy aluminum structural tubing, featuring an insulated core and a scratch-resistant aluminum deck, providing a stable platform for users. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $1,485 |


Hutch Tents Ontario 4

Are you interested in learning more about Roof Top Tent Off-Road wholesaler? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

The Ontario 4 rooftop tent is designed for a group of three to five people (the option to include an annex makes it suitable for up to five people). Designed to be ideal for all types of weather, the Ontario 4 is a versatile four-season rooftop tent. It boasts various features that cater to various outdoor adventures, including its soft-shell rooftop design, high-density foam mattress, and ease of assembly and disassembly. The 145-pound Ontario 4 excels not only in terms of size but also in its construction. It features a durable and robust aluminum frame consisting of joists, sheets, insulated foam, and internal aluminum poles for added structural support, complemented by a comfortable high-density foam mattress, ensuring a comfortable and secure outdoor sleeping experience. The canopy fabric used in its construction is ripstop 420 denier poly canvas with water-resistant properties (2,000-millimeter waterproof rating); the material is designed to resist mold and mildew while protecting against UV rays. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $2,499 |


Smittybilt Overlander Rooftop Tent Generation 2

The Overlander rooftop tent, Generation 2, offers a balanced blend of simplicity, comfort, practicality, and durability. The tent sets up swiftly and operates as a self-contained unit, storing all bedding and accessories within. Key features include accommodation for two to three occupants, a gray tent body with a light gray rainfly, a robust 2.5-centimeter aluminum/polyurethane base, and a waterproof, polyurethane-impregnated top constructed from 600 denier heavy-duty ripstop polyester. It incorporates anodized aluminum tent frame poles, a lightweight and waterproof 420 denier Oxford rainfly, and a cover crafted from heavy-duty 1,040 grams-per-square-meter (gsm), 2,000D PVC with Velcro for waterproofing, and UV-resistant straps. Additionally, the tent has an LED strip and no-see-um mosquito screens to enhance the camping experience. The Overlander Generation 2 tent has an approximate weight of 138 pounds, and it&#;s important to note that its bulky aluminum ladder is not integrated into the tent&#;s design but stored separately. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $1,428 |


Overland Vehicle Systems Nomadic 3 Arctic White Extended Rooftop Tent

Billed as a &#;premium standard rooftop tent,&#; the 140-pound Nomadic 3 Arctic extended rooftop tent features a heavy-duty, double-insulated, one-piece, black diamond plated base material; marine-grade stainless steel hinges and hardware and a 96-inch heavy-duty aluminum telescoping ladder with a locking strap and quick-release steel hinges. The tent&#;s 600 deniers heavy-duty poly cotton rip-stop canvas body and 420 deniers heavy-duty polyester rainfly ensure resilience against the elements. All seams are heat-sealed for added waterproofing, and integrated &#;V&#; strength ridges in the window rod poles enhance stability in windy conditions. Additional features include 120 grams-per-square-meter (gsm) fadeless glaze breathable windows, two short and four long window rods, built-in interior storage pouches, and a removable 40-inch Velcro light strip. The tent also boasts PU waterproofing on the canvas. While the white canvas may be attractive, this tent may not be the best option for those who like to sleep in!

$1,550 |


Yakima SkyRise HD Small Heavy-Duty 4-Season Rooftop Tent

The 101-pound Yakima SkyRise HD small tent boasts a construction using 600 denier ripstop polyester fabric with a robust 3,000-millimeter waterproof PU (polyurethane) coating, complemented by the weather-shedding waterproof rainfly. One notable feature of the SkyRise HD is its extra-large windows and doors, which offer excellent ventilation. The tent has two size options, accommodating two or three campers, making it suitable for various group sizes. Its frame geometry maximizes usable space, with spacious doors, windows, and skylights that open up to breathtaking vistas. The rainfly, made from 210 denier ripstop polyester with a 3,000-millimeter PU waterproof coating, adds an extra layer of protection. Furthermore, guy lines and D-rings on the tent floor allow for gear storage and secure anchoring in windy conditions. The tent has excellent reviews on the Yakima website, but it appears that the design is a bit dated. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $1,999 |


Napier Rooftop Tent

The Napier rooftop tent is designed for durability and weather resistance, and its ripstop polyester canvas construction and mesh panels provide ventilation. After a day of exploration, you&#;ll appreciate the thick foam mattress that offers ultimate comfort. The included rainfly ensures added protection during stormy nights. Setting up and packing up is a straightforward process with clear tear-down instructions. Please note that installation requires crossbars. Key features of this 132 pound rooftop tent include a dynamic weight capacity of 165 pounds, a static weight capacity of 600 pounds, three windows, and one door for ventilation and scenic views. Inside, you&#;ll find a wall-to-wall foam mattress with a washable cover and a 6.9-foot adjustable sliding aluminum ladder. A travel cover is also included. You can find the Napier rooftop tent at GM Dealerships, AutoAnything, Auto Accessories Garage, and Camping World. The Napier rooftop tent is not the most innovative on this list and seems to stand taller than most when packed. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $2,000 |


Treeline Outdoors Redwood Tent

The Redwood tent is ideal for families of four or more, providing spaciousness and stability. It&#;s designed to handle all four seasons, with an integrated folding front canopy, offering additional covered seating space at ground level. Underneath the tent, a practical storage area is equipped with mesh webbing, D loops, heavy-duty straps, and a cargo net, ensuring organization. Inside the tent, occupants will appreciate two large skylights and a 360-degree view of the surroundings. All windows and doors are equipped with zippered mosquito-proof mesh, and additional storage options are available with side pockets and a gear hammock that can be hung from above. Weighing a hefty 231 pounds, the Redwood tent includes a California king-sized mattress and numerous hanging points inside and outside the tent. The heaviest and most expensive tent featured in this buyers guide is shipped fully assembled and comes in three different color options. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $4,949 |


Bonus Product &#; The Crua Culla Haul Insulating Tent

The Culla Haul is an insulated inner tent designed to fit most other branded rooftop tents, including compatibility with the Aer (a rooftop tent-specific multi-functional awning). The tent comfortably accommodates up to two people and the design focuses on temperature regulation, noise reduction, and light-blocking capabilities. Utilizing CruaBreathe Technology, this tent employs microfiber-reinforced fabric to resist the transfer of heat, ensuring you stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It features two higher vents and three lower vents for excellent airflow. An integrated B3 polyester (B3 appears to be propriety technology) door and window bug mesh keeps pesky insects at bay. Additionally, it includes internal mesh pockets and light hooks for added convenience. Watch this video for a thorough overview of the product.

From $670 |

Read More: Our comprehensive guide for hard-shell rooftop tent enthusiasts, where we unveil our latest hard-shell rooftop tent buyers guide, perfect for those planning their next outdoor adventure.

The Resource List below makes mention of additional companies that offer rooftop tents that were not included in the above Buyers Guide:


With over 25 years of expertise, 23Zero is a trusted name in the outdoor gear industry, consistently delivering high-quality products at reasonable prices. Their wealth of experience is a testament to their commitment to providing outdoor enthusiasts with reliable and affordable gear, ensuring that every adventure is backed by durability, innovation, and a quarter-century of expertise.

Area BFE Tents

Located in Moab, Utah, this company is tailored for the avid off-road enthusiast. Their tents boast a rugged, low-profile design capable of withstanding the harshest terrains. Additionally, they offer a range of products, including awnings, shower tents, fridges, battery boxes, and various accessories.

Artemis Overland Hardware

Artemis has curated the finest adventure gear in one place. Stockists of James Baroud, Howling Moon, Front Runner, Roofnest, RSI, and the Bush Company tents, as well as a full range of camp gear and vehicle accessories.


The first rooftop tents in the world&#;designed, patented, and produced.

Since , Autohome has manufactured a range of rooftop tents and accessories and boasts an official Land Rover-branded rooftop tent.

Badass Tents

Founded in , Badass Tents (BA Tents) offers a range of universal and vehicle-specific rooftop tents, field-tested under real-life scenarios in the mountains, desert, and at the beach near the company&#;s San Diego, California, headquarters.

Body Armor

After almost two decades, what started as a Jeep-only bumper brand has evolved into an accessory brand that has expanded its products, ranging from rooftop tents to exterior armor, racks, interior storage, trail accessories, suspension, and more.


Bundutec is a South African company specializing in innovative camping gear designed for ease and convenience in the great outdoors. Their product range includes the unique BunduTop rooftop tent, offering 360° access and views, alongside a variety of awnings, suites, and annexes to enhance outdoor experiences with comfort and privacy.

Cascadia Tents CVT

CVT is a home-grown family business that strives to bring the best rooftop tents to everyone passionate about the outdoors. Based in Oregon with locations in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Kaysville, Utah, CVT supplies tents, racks, awnings, and accessories.

Crua Outdoors

Founded in , Crua offers the Aer Maxx soft shell rooftop tent, as well as hiking, family, insulated and refurbished tents as well as a range of camping gear. The Crua headquarters are located in Kerry, Ireland, and there are satellite offices in Kyle, Texas, and Peckham Bush, United Kingdom.

Desert Armor

Desert Armor, headquartered in Arizona, provides high-quality rooftop tents and off-highway vehicle (OHV) gear. They are also the proud creators of the patented Doggo RTT Ramp. The company offers LED lights and accessories, off-road gear, and rooftop tent accessories.


New to the rooftop tent market with the inflatable TRT 140 Air, Dometic is a global company with a long history of creating market-leading products for outdoor, home, and professional use. With nearly 40,000 resellers and repair shops worldwide, Dometic offers an extensive catalog of innovative, premium outdoor products.

Equipt Expedition Outfitters

Equipt is a one-stop shop for all overland and expedition-related equipment, in addition to a range of soft and hard shell rooftop tents. More than a decade ago, Equipt became the first American company to import high-quality vehicle expedition equipment from across the globe. Equipt is the exclusive US distributor for all Eezi-Awn, National Luna, AluBox, and Escape Gear.

Feldon Shelter

Rooftop solutions that are as good-looking as they are innovative and functional, Feldon Shelter claims to be New Zealand&#;s premium supplier of outdoor lifestyle products. The company supplies a range of hard and soft shell rooftop tents and canvas products.

Front Runner

Front Runner produces a range of rooftop tents at their manufacturing facility outside Johannesburg, South Africa, and features in-house laser cutting, bending, and powder coating. In addition to a range of tents, Front Runner manufactures an extensive range of roof racks, water tanks, awnings, drawer systems, and camping accessories. Dometic acquired Front Runner in May .

Freespirit Recreation

Founded in Bend, Oregon, in , Freespirit Recreation employs high-quality material to create all-season, user-friendly products. The company offers hard-shell rooftop tents, awnings, ground tents, camping gear, and camp lights. The Freespirit website provides a handy 3D tent fitter.

Go Fast Campers

Go Fast Campers is a Montana-based manufacturer of recreational and automotive products who, in addition to manufacturing the Platform rooftop tent, also specialize in truck campers, and accessories such as the Platform Camper, Platform Topper, and the Chase Frame for pickup trucks.

Hutch Tents

Hutch Tents fit seamlessly on conventional trucks, SUVs, and hybrid crossovers. Hutch Tents also supplies awnings, shower cubicles, a range of truck bed racks, and an adventure trailer rack from their warehouse based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Intrepid Camp Gear

Intrepid manufactures the innovative Geo 2.5 rooftop tent and offers a select range of RTT accessories and camp gear including a compact camp chair, a wall organizer, and a shoe bag storage system. The Intrepid Camp Gear showroom is located in Boulder, Colorado.

Ironman 4X4

In , the Ironman 4×4 range of products expanded to include a range of rooftop tents, that now includes soft and hard shell tents. The company has stockists throughout the USA and also offers winches, recovery equipment, protective bars, canopies, lighting, and electrical upgrades.

James Baroud

Established in Porto, Portugal, James Baroud has refined rooftop tent design since . The company offers two hard-shell rooftop tents, a soft-shell rooftop tent, and a range of accessories, including insulation kits, gear bags, and even a BBQ. James Baroud tents are available from Evergreen Offroad and other US-based distributors.


Napier has been offering truck and SUV tents for over 30 years and has a range of roof tents, ground tents, car and SUV awnings, accessories, and spare tent parts. Napier products are available from distributors in the US and Canada.

Open Road Overland

Open Road Overland, based in Wilmington, Delaware, offers a range of hard- and soft-shell tents, annexes, awnings, and bed racks (for the Toyota Tacoma). The roof tent includes two-, three-, four-, and even five-person tents.

Overland Vehicle Systems

Overland Vehicle Systems stocks a comprehensive catalog of overland gear from rooftop tents to bed racks, storage solutions, lighting, Jeep accessories, and a full range of camp gear. Rooftop tent shipping is free to the Lower 48 at the date of publishing.


Pittman Products International, based in Placentia, California, is originally an innovator in the air mattress industry that has expanded its range to include five rooftop tents, including both soft and hard shell tents. The Pittman range also includes truck bed tents, awnings, and coolers.


Redtail follows a high-end, slow-craft approach with fair wages and ethical manufacturing; every Skyloft rooftop tent is handmade by a small team in Longmont, Colorado, and availability is extremely limited. Expect to pay between $ 20,000 to $25,000 for a Redtail Skyloft rooftop tent.

Roam Adventure Co

Roam is an outfitter of adventure equipment based in Austin, Texas, and their range includes hard- and soft-shell rooftop tents and accessories, awnings, cases, coolers, and outdoor gear. Roam products are available from retailers across the US and western Canada.

Rough Country

Rough Country retails a soft and a hard shell rooftop tent and is a distributor of off-road accessories and suspension systems. Rooted in Tennessee, Rough Country stocks a wide range of overland-related products.

Rugged Ridge

Rugged Ridge, established in , has designed and manufactured over 3,000 products for the Jeep market and continues to develop hundreds of additional Jeep parts each year. To say that the Rugged Ridge catalog is extensive is an understatement.


Smittybilt, Inc. offers a limited range of soft and hard shell rooftop tents as well as bumpers, armor, recovery accessories, trail gear, and overlanding equipment. The engineering team at Smittybilt designs and develops these products in their R&D and Manufacturing facilities in Southern California.


Tentrax offers a soft-shell rooftop tent and a wedge-style, hard-shell rooftop tent. The company claims to build the toughest, lightest, most off-road capable camping and overlanding trailers in the USA. Based in Asheville, NC. Tentrax also supplies camping gear and Jeep parts.

The Bush Company

The Bush Company, based in Chandler, AZ boasts South African heritage and promises high quality, practicality, and durability at the core of all its 4WD and Outdoor products. The range includes four rooftop tents, tent accessories, awnings, outdoor and camping gear, and 4WD accessories.


Thule, established in by the Swedish outdoor enthusiast Erik Thulin, has become synonymous with crafting stylish, high-quality, and innovative outdoor gear. Their rooftop tents, available in both soft and hard shell variants, can seamlessly integrate with Thule&#;s iconic roof racks, providing outdoor enthusiasts with an affordable and reliable solution for elevated camping experiences.

Treeline Outdoors

Established in by a group of outdoorsmen and adventurers from Alberta, Canada-based Treeline Outdoors stocks rooftop tents, bush tools, camping gear, and a well-priced adventure trailer (such as the Sherpa for $11,800 at the time of publishing).


Trustmade, based in Ontario, Canada, takes pride in designing soft-shell rooftop tents, hard-shell rooftop tents, and car camping gear. The Canadian company also offers roof racks, pick-up tonneau covers ( FYI, tonneau is a French word referring to a barrel or cask used in winemaking), roof racks, electric scooters, and electric bikes.

Tuff Stuff Overland

Tuff Stuff offers an extensive range of soft and hard-shell rooftop tents, accessories, annexes, and awnings. Tuff Stuff products were born out of demand for quality overland, off-road recovery gear, lighting, winches, and bumpers at affordable prices. The company is based in Ontario, CA, with dealers across the US.


Based in the Pacific Northwest for nearly four decades, the Yakima &#;Base Camp&#; range includes three rooftop tents, awnings, a road shower range, camp kitchen solutions, and tent accessories. Yakima manufactures and distributes an extensive range of vehicle products, specializing in cargo and storage systems.

Read More: Rooftop Tent Skills &#; Buy, Bolt-on, and Bug Out

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For more information, please visit Roof Top Tent Off-Road solution.