The Benefits of Using i bike electric supplier

15 Apr.,2024


Here are a few reasons why people find electric bikes so useful.


An electric bike is guaranteed to put a smile on your face - every ride!


Petrol prices may soar, but electric bikes offer a genuine transportation alternative for just pennies per charge. A full charge costs about 10p and will take you up to 56 km. That's the equivalent of 1,500 to 2,000 miles per gallon!
Parking costing you an arm and a leg? Ride to work and save hundreds more in parking fees not to mention the cost-savings from less wear and tear on your car. Give up your car altogether and save even more on tax and insurance!


If thoughts of global warming leave you cold, consider this: Compared to a car, moped or motorcycle, an electric bike provides a clean, green, no-petrol transportation alternative.
Electric bikes typically consume fuel at an average rate of 100 to 150 watts of electrical energy compared to 15,000 or so for a car.



Avoid the time delays and frustration of getting caught in traffic congestion. Did you know average rush hour car speed is just 16mph? An electric bike can take advantage of the network of bicycle and multi-purpose paths, giving access to routes that cars and motorcycles cannot reach.
The result: a faster door-to-door journey!


While there's a lot of talk about sustainability in transportation, an electric bicycle can be made genuinely sustainable. Purchase electricity from a "green" supplier and the bike's fossil fuel consumption will be zero. You can help to "change the world one bike at a time."


See the complete range of our great value electric bikes



Hills can be daunting to even the best cyclists. One of the most obvious advantages of electric bikes are their ability to conquer hills. Use the battery to assist by increasing your average hill-climbing speed and you'll be at the top before you know it!
Lungs on fire are a thing of the past. Hold the grunts and groans, too.


A conventional bike will keep you fitter - or will it? It depends on how much - if at all - you use it.
Research shows that 46% of conventional bikes are used only once or twice a week. Compare that to electric bikes: 81% are used once or twice a week, while 33% are used every day.
Research also shows that riders of electric bikes tend to stay in the aerobic, fat-burning zone, whereas conventional cyclists tend to burn less fat, riding more in the anaerobic zone.


Unlike other forms of motorised transportation, electric bikes don't require registration, licence plates, or insurance. If you're over 14 years, all you need is a belief in the age-old adage that "getting there is half the fun!".

Here are five reasons e-bikes are better than bikes, and five reasons they're better than cars

E-bikes, also known as electric bikes, eBikes or electric assist bikes, are bicycles with an onboard electric motor and battery that gives you extra power when you’re pedalling. They’re becoming more and more popular, and these days you can buy almost any kind of bicycle with electric assist, from high-performance mountain bikes and road bikes, to commuter-friendly town bikes and folding bikes.

Nevertheless, whatever form they take, e-bikes are expensive, and that cost can feel hard to justify. If you’re wondering whether e-bikes are worth it, read on. We’ll go through all the main advantages an e-bike can offer over a regular bike, and even some advantages an e-bike can offer over your car, too.

Read more: What are e-bikes and should I get one? GCN's complete guide

Five reasons why an e-bike is better than a normal bike


Many e-bike motors are discreet and lightweight

First of all, here are some reasons why an e-bike is better than a normal bicycle.

You can choose between an easy journey or a workout

On most e-bikes, you can choose how much assistance your e-bike gives you, with some settings giving you a massive 250 watt boost, and with others letting you do most of the work yourself. This makes e-bikes really versatile, because you can choose between getting from A to B without breaking a sweat, or having a tough workout.

For example, you could cycle to work with the maximum assistance so you arrive in the office as fresh as a daisy. When home-time comes, you could turn the assistance down and push yourself on the return journey.

You go faster and further

On an e-bike, you’ve got the power and energy of your legs, plus a motor capable of outputting 250 watts. The battery capacity of each e-bike depends on the model, but one thing is for sure: on an e-bike, you can go faster, and you can ride further. That opens up a lot of routes and adventures that wouldn’t be possible on a normal bike, especially for less physically fit riders. An e-bike can allow you to tackle climbs that would otherwise be too tough and see places that would otherwise be out of reach.

E-bikes make city riding feel safer

Because of that extra speed, e-bikes can make riding among cars feel a lot safer than on a normal bike. When riding in traffic, the worst part is often the feeling of traffic whizzing past from behind. On an e-bike, you can comfortably cruise at 25kph, meaning the speed difference between you and the drivers is much smaller, and busy urban roads feel a lot less intimidating.


Modern e-road bikes are virtually identical to normal road bikes

Mixed group riding is more fun

Riding with friends is great, but if there’s a big fitness disparity in the group, it can take the fun out of group riding. Inevitably, there will be someone at the front, wishing the rest of the group would hurry up, and someone at the back, desperately trying to cling on to the pace.

With an e-bike, there’s no danger of trailing behind. You can head out with groups of faster riders with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you won’t hold up the group.

Hills are easier

Even if you are a road cyclist who regularly rides above the 25kph limit that e-bike motors must adhere to (or 20mph if you’re in the US), you can still benefit from an e-bike. On flat terrain, when you’re riding with a fast group, you can still pedal the bike above that limit, and it’ll feel almost like a normal bike.

It’s when the hills come, and your speed drops below 25kph, that the e-bike comes into its own. On an e-bike, hills can become your chance to recover, as you let the motor kick in and power you to the top. If you’re riding with a group, it’ll give you a moment to get your breath back, just as everyone else is working their hardest.

Five reasons why an e-bike is better than a car


Five reasons an e-bike is better than a car

Since they have that electric motor on board, e-bikes can replace your car for most short, day-to-day journeys. In fact, in many ways, e-bikes are better than cars:

You can park anywhere

Few things can be more frustrating than struggling to find a parking spot. As more and more towns and cities restrict the amount of parking available, and as more and more cars fill our road networks, it’s only going to get more difficult and expensive to find a spot.

On an e-bike meanwhile, you can park right outside your destination, for free, every time. Of course, e-bikes are expensive, so get some insurance so you can lock up with peace of mind.

You don’t have to wait in traffic

Sitting in traffic is a waste of time. 2022 data says that London drivers lose 148 hours a year to traffic, whilst New Yorkers lose 112 hours, Parisians 120 hours and Dubliners 158 hours.

On an e-bike, you can use bike lanes and back streets to skip past traffic, or slip between cars and get where you want to go. You’ll save time and fuel, and have a far less frustrating journey.

You don’t have to pay for fuel

To charge an e-bike enough to take you 10 miles requires just 3p of electricity. To travel the same journey in a car costs £1.50 — that’s 50 times more expensive.


Small, nimble wheels, a step-through frame and a basket: the Orbea Katu E

You won’t be polluting your streets

In 2022, the World Health Organisation found that billions of people breathe air with pollution levels above WHO air quality limits. In most towns and cities, road traffic is the biggest cause of pollution, with particulates from car tyres posing the biggest health risk — that’s right, even a ‘zero emissions’ electric car causes air pollution.

By leaving the car on the drive and taking an e-bike, you will make the air in your town a little bit cleaner to breathe.

You’ll get fitter

E-bikes might give you a boost from the motor, but you still move your body. In fact, research shows that the physical activity gains from active travel are similar for riders on e-bike and conventional bicycles, because although e-biking requires less energy, e-bikers tend to ride further than cyclists using normal bikes. Substituting your car for an e-bike leads to a dramatic increase in activity levels, even if you use an e-bike with a high level of assistance.

That means that by taking an e-bike instead of a car, you will experience the raft of benefits that come with physical activity: improved brain health, better weight management, reduced risk of disease, stronger bones and muscles, better sleep.

The Benefits of Using i bike electric supplier

10 benefits of riding an e-bike

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